Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to Throw a Successful Party on a Small Budget - Associated Content

How to Throw a Successful Party on a Small Budget - Associated Content: "I’ve thrown all sorts of get-togethers with limited means for the past five years. I’ve thrown BBQs, birthday parties, bridal showers, anniversaries and even planned my own wedding. I’ll show you how planning ahead, shopping for supplies on sale, and lots of do-it-yourself projects can keep a great deal of money where it belongs: in your pocket. Let’s start with planning ahead.

Believe it or not, time is your best friend when you’re planning a party and have only a small amount of money to work with. The first thing to decide is where it’s going to be held, and when. Your best bet is to have the party at someone’s house and during the warmer months. This way, you won’t have to pay a recreation hall for the space, and if it’s a beautiful day, you’ll double the available space if people mingle not only inside, but outside as well. Once you’ve got that taken care of, decide on one or two main things that you consider a priority. Are you having a theme? Do you absolutely have to hire a caterer? How important to the guest of honor is entertainment (i.e. dj, band)? If these types of things are decided on far enough in advance, you’ll have a better idea of how much money you have for supplies what kind you’ll need. Let me fill you in on a few great ways to purchase them at reduced prices."

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